This is a photo from this past summer :)

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Confronting friends

Lately I was a party, where almost everyone was mormon, but my guy friends were acting really inappropriate.  I'm not going to go into details but it was beyond inappropriate, its been getting worse for months and month how they all act, so I removed myself from the situation and went and cried.  I started talking to a few of my girlfriends and they also shared my concern, we had tried getting them to stop acting the way they did before but it just had escalated it, they think its funny or attractive or something, but its anything but.  My boyfriend finally noticed I was upset, and I told him what happened, I finally told him that I was going to tell the stake president about what was happening, because it had to stop.  Then the boys started acting inappropriate once more and my temper got the best of me, and I told them that they needed to stop how they were acting and that tomorrow I would be telling the stake president the things they were doing.  They thought it was amusing and laughed it off, but finally they grasped that I was serious.  It has been one of the hardest things in my life to do, standing up to my best friends and telling them I was going to turn them in.  I sat and cried in a corner and pleaded with God for strength because I knew I had done the right thing, but I had gone about the wrong way trying to accomplish it.  My boyfriend came to find me and sat with me, he told me how proud he was of me for sticking up for whats right regardless of the consequences, that he knew that he needed to be a better influence or something along those lines, I was completely baffled.  I had not done this to be an "example".  But a few of the boys have talked to me since, and told me that they agreed they had gone too far, they appologized to me and told me they were going to stop.  I don't know if I was some sort of catalyst to making them stop behaving that way, but I am thankful that they still speak to me after I yelled at them.  My temper is something I need to work on, but in this case...I suppose it got the job done.

- Katie

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